April 8, 2012

Customer Service review :) - WRITING

Dear Students,

As a review of the Customer Service topic please can you answer the question below in a minimum of 150 words using appropriate vocabulary.

-  What is Customer Service?  Why is it important? What are the benefits for the business/organisation providing good customer service?  What 3 rules of customer service do you believe are the most important?



  1. Customer service is the most important service at an airport, If customer service is very strong and helpful it will protect the airport from the word of mouth and increase revenue.
    The benefits of good customer service. It will make the passenger or customers happy about the airport service, and the helpful staff, which will help the reputation.
    There are also a few rules for a good customer service. First, answer their phone the staff should pick up their calls, because there might be a lost customer or needs help. They might get calls from some customers want to ask about the booking.
    The second most important rune is to listen to the customers, because they should not show them that they are not paying attention when the customer is talking .The staff should show the customers that they are listening and they want to help.
    The third rune is to train the staff to be helpful and knowledgeable. The staff should well trained to deal with customers and when customers are lost they should be knowledgeable to show them the way. I think this is the most important rune, because it will also protect the airport from bad word of mouth.

  2. Customer service is the most important factor for airport revenue because it makes the passenger experience easier and more comfortable. People expect polite and courteous behavior from the employees. The employees should not be uninformed and frustrating < they should be reliable, because it affects the airport’s reputation. The staff should be trained well and professionally so they can deal with complaints properly and users going to be satisfied about the airport .The airport should show that they care about customers and answer the phone 24/7 because if not people will speak about the airport negatively and word of mouth of powerful effect. All the employees should informed that they have to listen to the customers because they will feel that the airport care about the employees.

  3. Customer service is the service given for passenger or customer to bring satisfaction and the best service for passenger .
    The good customer service for airlines will bring more passengers by word-of-mouth because any passenger will talk to his or her friends about the service he had in the airline .
    Also a good customer service will increase the revenue of the company and the reputation of the company.
    I think the most important rules are listen to your customer because if you listen to him that means you respect him. Also answer the phone to know if any customers have problems. Accept responsibility and I think that it is really important for any customers service in the world because if you have made any mistake you have to tell the customers and your company.

  4. Customer service is more than keep customer happy and comfortable. Actually, customers are the income for airport, so the staff and who is work in the airport have to be calm and polite with them.
    Staff and employees are the background for the airport, so they have to be more strike with roles, helpful and polite with passenger. But, passengers are the revenue for the airport so without passengers, who the airport will be nothing. Also, a passenger makes the airport bad or good by reputation.
    Finally, staff has to listen and answer their customer because they will be upset and angry if they did not do that.

  5. Customer service is a series of activities designed to enhance the level of customer satisfaction – that is, the feeling that service has met the customer expectation.
    If you want to be a good manager you should do the things to make you a good manager such as, listen to your customer, customers In the airport need a person to talk with and ask him for a help or something else and you should give them all attention and listen enough. The second thing you most be helpful and courteous, for example when any customer was angry you should be calm and polite. Also deal with complaints, no one likes to listen to problems but you should listen and give the complaint all your attention and show the customer how you care. Finally the people who answer the phone they should answer the phone quickly not like some of them skipped the phone, also give the customers all information they want.

  6. Customer service is just as important for the airline industry as it is for other business. It is very important for the customer. If it is maker the customer happy that will make the reputation for the company good. After that the customer will tell their friends and families about this company. The revenue increase , the number of customer will increase and it will be popular for the people but if the customer service is very bad that will make passengers write about it , the people won’t like this service and the number of revenue will decrease. If it wants to be good and make passengers and airlines happy they should do three things.
    First listen to your customers because when he/she speak to you and you answer the question that MAKE THEM HAPPY AND POLITE.
    Second answer the phone because maybe the customers wont to book for ticket
    Finally do not make promises because that will make to you problems later.

  7. Customer service is the most important thing for the reputation of any airport. It is any activity that will enhance passenger experience of the airline or the airport. The reason is people’s opinion is very important that can reflect the airport revenue high or down!.

    The benefit of good customer service is keeping good reputation about the airport and the people who work there. There are more than one rule of how any employee must take them. For example, listen to your customer, take extra step, helpful and knowledgeable.

    IF an employee don’t listen to the problem who receve from the passenger how will solve it. And if he is impolite or having sad face or in out of mood how he will deal with customer in polite and good way.

  8. Customer service is the provision of service to customer before, during and after a purchase. Its importance varies by products industry and customer. Defective or broken merchandise can be, exchanged often only with a receipt and within a specified time frame. Customer service is important for the customers, If it is maker the customer happy that will make the reputation for the company good. There are 8 rule of customer service, but I will mention only 3 rules, the first one is listen to your customer, let your customer talk and show him that you are listing by responding in a way that shows you want to help. Such as suggesting how to solve the problem. Second rule is train the staff to always be helpful, courteous and knowledgeable, give enough information for your staff and power to make those small customer-pleasing decisions, so that he never says “I don’t know , but the manager will be back in three hours “ . Finally deal with complaints, if you give the complaint your attention, you may be able to please this one person this one time and your business will benefit from the word-of-mouth promotion that will follow.

  9. Customer service is important service at the airport. Because if the service is excellent the passenger will choose this airline again. Also the airlines will get a good reputation and more customers and this will bring a lot of money.

    Customer service are all activities that occur in the airport to help passengers. There are some steps that will help to get excellent customer service. For example, to answer the phone , talk to customers , deal with complaints and be helpful. Customer service is the key element to attract passengers and money to the airport or the airline.
